On August 8, 2024, NRJH hosted a successful exchange event between high school students from India and Japan. The delegation, welcomed by Na Ra Japan HUB, included Mr. Miyabukuro Makoto, Principal of Takaoka Koryo High School, Mr. Arai Kimihiro, Chairman of Arai Gakuen, and five high school and university students. The program featured a presentation on Hyderabad by Indian School students, cultural snack exchanges, a Japanese song performed by an Indian student. Architecture university students engaged in insightful discussions with their Japanese counterparts. This successful event was coordinated by Mr. Tanji Daisuke CEO of Indobox Inc.Mr. B. Ramabhadra, President of Na Ra Japan HUB, and Mr. Tanji Daisuke, CEO of Indobox Inc signed a MOU to enhance India-Japan collaboration in industry and academics. We look forward to a strengthened partnership and ongoing progress.

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